Friday, April 16, 2010

Clinic check up!

We went off to the hospital fully prepared for waiting and prepared with all the visuals, to explain to Brody what the doctor would be doing. Could not believe it, today was the first time we didn't have to wait to long. Brody got his bloods tested, and then only waited for a little bit to see the doctor. In the doctors i show Brody what was going to happen, as he asked several times about getting a sharpie. He seem to understand and coloured in and played his game while i was talking to the doctor, but as soon as the doctor wanted to check him over, the hitting , kicking and yelling started. Tried to explain again and even bribe him, but i think because she was another new doctor that we have never met, he just wasn't going to do anything for her. It was hard, but we got through it, just like we do every time we go.

Brody's results were low counts, but not low enough for any transfusions. We need to go back on Monday to check them again. Then also maybe next Thursday we will be back in for another 6 day stay. Brody then got his dressing changed, which he took it off all by himself, and then went crazy as he hates the feeling of the cold sponge cleaning it.

The day finished within 2 and half hours, big difference from 5 hour visits for the same thing! We then went home and on the way got Brody Mac Donald's as i had promised it when he was seeing the doctor. He is still eating like a horse, and still wants his pizza and Garlic bread.

Brody and i then had our nanny nap and when we woke we did our activities with Grandma, and Brody did really really well. I was so proud of him. Thank you to ABI, for all there help. xoxo