We found out the results today from the CT scan, which the doctor's have told us that nothing has shown up as an infection, Brody has a little bit of fluid in his tummy but shouldn't be anything. They are planning to do a P.E.T scan early next week, but if he is better, we will cancel it. The pet scan will show us is his gut has the GVHD and how bad. As i believe they think everything now is from the GVHD.
As Graft vs Host Disease effects the skin, gut and liver. Brody has rash all over his body now, but still not as bad as Transplant, the rash is more finer. He has gut issues, with runny poo and not eating. Its a catch 22 as we want the GVHD to kill of the cancer cells in Brody's body but we don't want it to bad, or have many side effects. They have said we can put him on steroids for a couple of days to clam it a bit then take him of them again. Its going to be trail and error.
Brody's temps have stopped, which is a good thing as i thought they were never going to, after 2 weeks of high temps. But we cant go home yet as he is not eating.
They are going to start the TPN, which is feeds through the central lines into his blood, as the nose feeds are going straight through him and he isn't getting enough. So this will make us in here for a few more days.