Saturday, September 18, 2010

Careflight Visit, Change Meds!!

Today we got to go out for a little while but still in the hospital grounds and with our nurse from Variety Ward. We had a visit to Careflight to see the helicopter thanks to a lovely friend Sarge xo.

Brody was looking forward to it until it come to go, he said he wanted to stay in hospital for a while as he was tired. But i gave him a bit of a push and he really enjoyed it. He then didn't wont to go back to hospital.

John from Careflight showed Brody all the ins and outs of the helicopter. The best part i think he liked was all those buttons, as Brody loves pressing buttons. lol Thank you so much Careflight for the visit.
Brody last night had an explosion of the bowel, so they stopped the feeds. It was a huge job to clean up, but our lovely nurse clean it up for us.
I was talking to the nurse about how the doctor's were very negative the other day and made us all think the worse and how i didn't understand why they haven't changed his medications to see if that will get rid of the infection.As this is what they have done in the past. I couldn't understand why they didn't do this before they did the bone Marrow op as we have been here for a week. My lovely nurse spoke to the night doctor's and told them about stopping feeds and he is still having high temps, and maybe need a different medication.

The night doctor agreed, so they have now change meds, lets hope it fixes the problem.

The doctor's come in this morning and said they will give him 2 days on this new medication and if he is still having high temps they will do a CT scan next week to see whats happening in his chest. As that's been his problem other times. She told us the test next week she believes will be the same as the test before. Which was the cancer is still there at a level they don't like but will bring back the GVHD to try and kill it off.

The GVHD is starting to come back as the rash is spreading more all over his legs, feet, tummy, arms. Its only a fine little red dots at the moment. I also think the runny poo's are from the GVHD too.

After our visit to Careflight, Brody got a visit from his cousins Domenic and Ethan for the first time. He was so excited and so were the boys. Grandma and Grandpa brought them in for the visit. It has been a big day and we had a good nanny nap after it all.

Brody ate 2 slices of toast today but peak at 38.9 this afternoon, and is watching his movie thanks to Uncle Dave, Domenic and Ethan xox.

Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully will bring good things, we are hoping they will let us go to Grandma's house for a little while.