Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 11

Brody is getting better and better, still no temps and now dosent have breathing problems. He has also been to the toliet twice. (well done, Brods). He has been cranky pants all day, he told grandma and grandpa to go home, he hit a nurse and wont do what they want. I took him for a walk but he just cried and wanted to go back to his room. He dosent want to do anything except sleep and watch DVD's in bed. So today we havent done anything and with the rainy wheather we have both felt tired. The weekend Doc told us that we might be able to go home to grandma's again tommorrow. Here's hoping as Brody and i am so over this. The only thing i hate is its not keeping him in a routine and every time we come in and out, we have to start a different routine each time and go to clinic for different people and different things. This makes it so hard for an Autisum child. As they like routine, familiar faces, and know what is going to happen. It makes them feel secure and thats why he only wants his mummy to do every thing.

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