Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy week.

So far its been a very busy and tiring week, some days its hard to even think or walk around, but i just think of Brody and what he is going through and push myself on.

Monday we had the lovely Chris from ABI come out and then we tried to have a sleep, but this time i left my phone on as i was waiting for an important phone call and everyone rang, its always the way, couldn't believe it there was about 5 calls. So no sleep for me, which was hard as the nurse we had for the nights kept waking me up as she would close the door in a loud manner, or didn't fix the machine right, so it would go off all the time. So most nights i finally fell asleep after 1.00am. So i needed that sleep on Monday. Oh well!!

Monday night i slept like a rock, as we had a different nurse and every thing ran perfect!!! Yeah, but still tired.

Today again we had Chris from Abi do his stuff with Brody, as i am so proud of him, he is wearing the nose tube for 5mins now. This is small steps but he is getting so close.
We had the school teacher pop in for 5mins and the music lady Bonnie. We also had the doctors pop in.

The latest news is that Brody's infection is a fungal infection in his lungs, on Friday he will be having a lung biopsy to determine what type of fungal it is, so they can treat with the right meds. This will also delay Transplant, so we are now looking at July. Hopefully once they get him on the right meds we will be able to go home(Grandma's) for a little while before they start him for preparation of the transplant.

Brody today had a back x-ray for one of his tests he needs to do before transplant, he will also have a bone test tomorrow and a hearing test on Friday as well. He also needs a platelet transfusion tomorrow. So far its been running backwards and forwards to different rooms in the hospital. Some days i wish they will leave us alone to rest or just do nothing.

I also have a meeting with transplant doctors for LUke and a meeting with play therapist on Thursday and also the leukaemia foundation is coming for a meeting. Hopefully i will get some rest in between all these things.

My lovely mum and dad have also popped in and brought a lovely chicken soup and bread rolls for us for dinner to warm us up. It was nice to have some of Grandma's home cooking. Thanks mum and dad. xoxooxox

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