Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bone Marrow OP!

Brody has been alot better now he is on the new steroids for his gut. He hasn't been sick and eating lots more again. Grandma's chicken soup is back for breakfast, lunch and dinner. LOL

We have had alot on with the school teacher from hospital and ABI. He really loves when they come.

I also enrolled him in his support unit at his school, so soon i will be able to get his bag and uniform. I think he will really enjoy it with other children, as he has been isolated for so long now. I wont know what to do with myself, when he is at school.

Today he had his monthly bone marrow operation, so results hopefully late next week or the week after. He did really well, as he had to wait for a long time without food.

Otherwise his blood levels are doing great this week, and he seems really happy. He is such a big boy now, as he only wears his nappies while he is asleep. Its cost me a mint, for his rewards but it has done the trick.

Because of Brody's Autism, he gets very fussy, as he wants what he likes, and nothing else, so most of the time, i have to ask him 6 times to make sure i am getting the right toy or what ever, as if i don't, he wont even open it or look at it. As they have interests and you need to always give him things that interest him. Its hard work, keeping up with it, but knowing Brody i can judge pretty good.

So until next weeks appointment, we don't have much on. Hope you all have a good weekend. xox

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